PennDel AHMA, JAHMA earn AHMA of the Year

The National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) announces the winners of its 2023 Industry and AHMA Awards, which will be presented during its Biannual Top Issues in Affordable Housing winter conference, March 6-8.

The list of award winners includes individuals and organizations whose professionalism, dedication, and accomplishments in assuring quality housing for low-income Americans raise the multifamily affordable housing industry standards.

AHMA of the Year
Given to AHMAs using criteria such as size, number of members, success in membership recruitment, membership retention, education and training course attendance, financial stability, and other factors.

This year NAHMA gave the Small AHMA of the Year as a joint award to JAHMA and PennDel AHMA

JAHMA leadership has embraced the ever-changing affordable housing industry and has continued to take an active role in upholding the standards set before them. Through virtual learning, in-person events and an annual Spring Management Event conference, JAHMA has delivered exemplary education to its members and industry as a whole.

PennDel AHMA leadership continued their focus on providing exemplary education, informative membership meetings and a two-day conference and expo. For the first time since 2019, PennDel AHMA hosted a two-day Fall Management Conference & Expo at a new location in Bethlehem, Penn.

“NAHMA believes that both AHMAs are instrumental in furthering the cause of excellent affordable housing and maintaining high standards in the industry, and their many accomplishments over the past year have been noteworthy. The NAHMA Nominating Committee felt that the joint award was appropriate, given the collaborative work between the AHMAs on many educational offerings throughout the year, as well as in recognition of the exemplary work of the AHMA executive director and staff colleagues in keeping both AHMAs running at such high levels of performance simultaneously,” Cook said.

Renee Reithel