HUD Publishes Multifamily Housing COVID-19 Guidance for Landlords

From: Michal Machnowski <>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 11:42 AM
To: Michal Machnowski <>
Cc: Larry Keys <>
Subject: NAHMA HUD Update: HUD Publishes Multifamily Housing COVID-19 Guidance for Landlords 

Dear NAHMA Members,

Today, HUDs Office of Multifamily Housing published a COVID-19 Guidance for Landlords, titled Promoting Housing Stability During the COVID-19 Emergency.  This guidance is intended for multifamily property owners and managers and includes information on what types of evictions and fees are covered under the CARES Act eviction moratorium (including properties that are under mortgage forbearance), how to inform families and individuals that they may request interim re-certifications after a loss of income, and how to work with families and individuals to create a repayment plan.

The Promoting Housing Stability During the COVID-19 Emergency COVID-19 Guidance for Landlords is attached and can also be viewed here.


Kind regards,

Michal Machnowski
Manager of Government Affairs
National Affordable Housing Management Association
400 N. Columbus St., Suite 203
Alexandria, VA 22314
703-683-8630 (ext. 116)
703-683-8634 (fax)


Renee Reithel